Dec 18, 2009

The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross

The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross
by A. W. Pink

I breathed a sigh of satisfaction when I finished the last sentence of this book. Pink is eloquent and powerful, even decades after his death. In no overstatement, this book is truly great.

Pink mentions that it was the goal of ancient Greeks to say much in little: "to give a sea of matter in a drop of language." Nearly all of these 139 pages gave oceans of matter.

The book is divided into seven chapters based on each of Christ's final words on the cross with seven points under each. Pink adds his own perceptive observances often, supporting them with frequent Scripture.

I found myself writing "Well said," "So true," and "Interesting perspective" in the margins. Pink's words are sometimes comforting, sometimes challenging, sometimes chilling... but always thoughtful and theologically sound.

My only criticism--and it is a minuscule one--is that once or twice (to meet his seven-point format) he stretches a single point into two. Still, Pink has a way of presenting the same material in a fresh way.

Pink's own dying words were: "The Scriptures explain themselves." Clearly, he was a man who knew and loved those very Scriptures. His words will ring true for decades yet to come.

Good for the soul.

A _ _ _ _

Beautiful topic, beautifully written.

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